Guide to IELTS Speaking Module - Part 2

IELTS Speaking ModuleIn last second topic, we discussed about IELTS speaking module – part 1. We talked about the possible and the most common topics that can asked in the first part of IELTS speaking module. In today’s blog, we will enjoy a deep guidance on IELTS speaking module – part 2. Here we go:

The second part of IELTS speaking module is an individual long turn module. In this part, candidates are asked to speak on a familiar topic for longer. A task card is given to the students with the name of topic with prefix ‘Describe’ mostly.

It is kind of mono talk. You are given only one minute to think about the topic and prepare for answer. You are also provided with paper and a pencil to jot down major points of your topic that will helpful for you while speaking. Then you talk about that topic for 1-2 minutes. Once done, examiner will ask you one or two questions related on the same topic that you have spoken on. This section assesses your ability to talk about a topic, develop your ideas about a particular topic and relevant vocabulary and grammar. 

Some commonly asked topics are as follow:

  • Describe a museum
  • Describe your favorite photograph
  • Describe an area of you country you know and like
  • Describe a party
  • Describe your favorite subject
  • Describe your favorite movie
  • Describe a book or newspaper you enjoy reading
  • Describe a children’s game
  • Describe the best occasion in your life
  • Describe the most important thing in your life
  • Describe one of your neighbors
  • Describe one of the shopping centers you often go to
  • Describe your favorite animal
  • Describe a historical place
  • Describe advertisement
  • Describe an important letter
  • Describe the best present your have received
  • Describe your holidays

These are the most common topics discussed in the part 2 of IELTS speaking module. But it’s up to the examiner; s/he may ask your anything on her mind that is related to you, your country and your surroundings. 

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