The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a test which is taken to check out the “proficiency of a student in English language”. It is a well known official English test that is famous worldwide and accepted by many famous institutions of higher education for clarifying the proficiency of the student in International English Language standards. Here, this page is especially designed for giving you information regarding IELTS Speaking Tips.

Basic Skills:

Firstly, I Want to Explain the Basic IELTS skills, which is the most important part of the preparation of this Test. There are four basic skills that are required for clearing this test.

  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking 
Here, the speaking is a most important module of this examination. Commonly, in this examination examiner takes 11 to 15 minutes for testing the speaking skills of a student. Maximum time of skill testing is approximately fifteen minutes, but the examiner can minimize or maximize it as per the requirement. 

Speaking Modules:

Here, we divide the preparation in three basic modules, for the best preparation of speaking test. By following these modules you can prepare well for this test.

  •  Introduction- Followed by “general questions”
  •  Cue Cord
  • Cross questions

Introduction- Followed by “General Questions”:

Commonly, it will take 3 to 4 minutes for checking the skills of the student through the introduction of the student. Here, the examiner asks the student to introduce him or herself. In the introduction you should include your personal information like “Name (Documentary), Pet Name (If any), academic qualification, hometown, residential address and hobbies”. You can take approximately 1 to 2 minutes for introducing yourself or till the examiner interrupts you and ask another question. The series of questions that is asked after or between the introduction is known as General Questions of introduction.

This series of questions include the questions related to the general topics and the topics related to the student’s life. You can answer these questions by your past life experiences, or based on some assumptions or imagination. The main motive of examiner is to check out your communication skills in your answer, so while you are answering you should concentrate on your speaking skills more than your answer. The most common general topics related to the questions are given below.

Academic qualification
Restaurant/ Hotels
Social work
School/ colleges

Do’s and Don’t of IELTS:

So the candidates who are going to appear in this competitive test or planning to apply for it, needs to read some common tips related to Do’s and don’t very carefully for clearing this exam.


The most common terms you need to follow are given below, by following these tips seriously you can score well or get 7, 8 or 9 bands.
Ø  Practice:
You should practice well to communicate in English language before the examination, so that you can become familiar with this language and get 8 to 9 band.
Ø  Be Confident:
Be confident while giving the speaking test, even when you are not sure about your answer. Because, your low confidence makes the negative impression on the questioner and decrease your band score.
Ø  Extended Answer:
Always try to give your answer in an expending manner. Try to give the answer in a lengthy manner by adding all the important information in your answer. It plays a most important role your band score
Ø  Paraphrase:
Always try to give your answer in your own words; it makes a better impression on the examiner in comparison of copywriting a same statement from the question or from the study materials. With this technique you can replace the vocabulary words like (noun, verb, adverb, adjective or synonyms).
Ø  Grammar Range:
If you want to achieve more than 6 bands in speaking examination, always try to use the complex sentence in the place of simple words. It will help to introduce the range of the student and the efficiency in grammar.


Here we are discussing about some common mistakes, which can decrease your band points:

Ø  Cramming:
Cramming is a problem that is faced by so many students during the oral test or in an interview. If the examiner noticed it and came to know about your lack of confidence, he can ask more complicated questions for checking your speaking skills properly.
Ø  Over confidence:
Confidence is a nice point you should be confident while answering the questions. But, always try to remember the limit of confidence and don’t lose it. By exceeding the normal level of confidence you can decrease your band score. 
Ø  Fluency:
Don’t confuse yourself between Fluency and speed, because Fluency is a person’s natural tendency to speak without noticeable and long pauses, where the speed in the IELTS speaking examination can make the negative impression. 

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