Which is Easier for IELTS | IDP V/s British Council

About IELTS, IDP and British Council:

Usually the Students who want to do IELTS, ask about the Difference Between IDP and British Council. So here, we want to clear your Doubts. We are going to give you the Complete information regarding the IELTS, IDP and British Council. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a Test that is very popular among the world as the English language proficiency test. Usually this test is taken for the higher education, work and global migration. The IDP, University of Cambridge and British Council all together invent this Test.
In some countries the IELTS Exam is taken by the British Council. Where, in Some Countries IDP handled it. The full form of idp in ielts is International Development Program. Also, there are some countries where this exam is offered by both the British Council and International Development Program (IDP). India is also one of them. So the Indian Students always being Confused between choosing the  IDP and BC for IELTS test. Here the most important thing is that the IETS exams are same, whether it is taken / supervised by BC or IDP. Also, there are some  cases where we find that the IELTS exams of two Countries have the same questions and topics. So, simply you can select any one from BC and IPD as per your convenient Center location and Test Date.

Checking and Marking System:

Still do you Have any doubt regarding the IELTS, IDP and British Council? Let’s discuss More About it like Checking and Scoring system of IELTS test.
The Difficulty Level of this test is same across the World. Both the IDP and BC, IELTS examiners are Highly Trained Professionals, they are trained in the same way. There are four Modules of this test Including
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
The marking system of IELTS Reading and Listening are clerically. The Checker has the clear instructions that, which answer should be considered correct and which should be incorrect. In both these tests it doesn’t matter who does the grading, your right answer will give you a point that is calculated at the end of the Test. The remaining two parts are Writing and Speaking. In both the writing and speaking module the examiner follows the same marking criteria of IELTS with the same description of IELTS band Score.

So Simply it is clear that the Test is same, marking criteria is also same. There is only one way to make IELTS easy, follow these tips:

  • Firstly, find a Best IELTS Institute for you. (For the students of Punjab, Haryana or Chandigarh region we have a link of IELTS Institute in Chandigarh.)
  • Be confident during test 
  • Brush up your language skills
  • Learn as much as possible 
  • Practice hard
  • Study hard

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