As we all know that reading module is the one of the four modules of the IELTS test. Here this page is designed to give you information regarding IELTS reading-score improvement tips and tricks. Most of the students think that, it is the second easiest module after listening. But, its time consuming feature makes it difficult. The Academic Reading module has certain features that are given below:
Academic Reading
Time Duration – 60 Minutes
Questions – 40 Questions

There are total three Passages; each passage consists of approximately 900 words. There are approximately 13 questions given from each passage. All passages are related to the topics of general interests. The complete list of the questions as per its type is given below:
  • True / False / Not Given
  • Choose suitable heading for different Paragraph.
  • Multiple choice Questions
  • Table Completion
  • Complete summary
  • Short answer question (One word answer)

The less time and lengthy passages make the reading module as the toughest part of this Test. Here we are providing you some important tips and tricks of reading test. By following these tips you can score phenomenal band in reading.
Do not Read the passage:
Don’t try to read the passage thoroughly. You can locate your answers by using the techniques SCANNING and SKEMMING.
  • SCANNING: In this technique you can read the Passage quickly for getting the rough idea of the Passage.
  • SKEMMING: In this technique we are concentrating on a particular informat or on a main idea for locating the answer of the questions.

Read the title and Understand picture:
Sometimes the passages are given with the pictures. If there is any image available with the passage, then try to guess the reading content by concentrating on the image very carefully. Also, don’t forget to read the title and subtitle of the passage.
Keywords Highlighting:
Always remember to highlight the main keywords in scanning, like capital letters, words, mathematical notations, name of experts, nation or country name, nouns, reasons and effects, research experiment, researches, theory, etc.
Read Instructions Carefully:
Most of the IELTS students make this mistake in a hurry. They skip some important instructions given for different questions in summary completion like “NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS” and attempt their test in an incorrect manner.
Time management:
There are only 60 minutes available for three passages. So you need to learn that how to devote the time between these three passages. Always try to give 20 minutes to each passage, if you spent more than 20 minutes, then this time will be deducted from your next ‘passage reading time’.
Beware of Quantifiers:
There are some quantifiers that make us more prone to commit mistakes by changing sense of questions like some, many, all, always, any, often, sometimes, most, none, etc.
Example 1:

  • Most of Spanish prefer to ride bicycle in leisure time (In Passage)
  • Cycling is the favourite recreational activity done by majority of Spanish (Answer – True)
Most Spanish – Majority of Spanish
Leisure time – recreational
Ride bicycle – cycling
Example 2:

  • Hardly any Spanish go for cycling in leisure time.
Most – Hardly any (means Negative – No one) (contradiction – leads to no)
Answer – False
Look for Synonyms:
In the reading there are very lesser chances of getting the same word in the same passage. So always make your mind prepared for storming for synonyms, like the important word found in question might be indispensable, essential in the passage. So always be ready for synonyms.
Don’t waste your time on one question:
Always keep trying to manage your time on each question, try to give one and a half minute to each question. If you did not get the answer of a given question in a given time, then mark it and go to the next question, try to solve this question at the end.
Be careful about your spellings and grammar:
Always concentrate on your spellings while writing your answer on answer sheets. In this test the examiner also checks your spelling mistakes. Your grammatical knowledge plays a very important role summery completion questions.

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