IELTS Offline VS Online Exam Differences

This world is constantly evolving and technology is paving a major path of its evolution. Technology has also got its branches in the area of the IELTS test. It is no wonder that IELTS paper-based testing today has advanced to be a computer-based test. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is one of the most popular tests to assess the proficiency of candidates in the English language, who want to study, work or live abroad.
It is based on people’s convenience if they want to appear for a computer-based or paper-based IELTS test. IELTS is mutually owned by the IDP, British Council: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment. There are two versions in IELTS- general training and academic writing, containing 4 modules each, including listening, reading, writing and speaking.
IELTS can be taken by the candidates year-round as it is conducted for a total of 48 fixed times. The paper-based examination was conducted for almost 30 years before the introduction of computer-based IELTS.  Some people still prefer a paper-based examination in the online exam. Computer-based testing is currently available in these countries:
·         Australia
·         Hong Kong
·         China
·         India
·         New Zealand
·         Korea
·         Pakistan
·         Vietnam
·         Russia
·         Philippines
·         Saudi Arabia
·         Sri Lanka
·         Singapore
·         Thailand
·         United Arab Emirates
·         Turkey

Computer Delivered IELTS VS Pen & Paper version:
·         There are some basic differences between computer-based testing and the paper version of IELTS.
·         Assessment is quite different in both versions. In computer-based testing your answers are without human intervention saved in the computer and uploaded directly to the Cambridge server; In the paper-based test, the sheets are collected by the test-takers, which are later sent to the Cambridge Marking facility.
·         Being able to edit your answers is one of the key pros of computer-based testing. In computer-based testing, writing is easy because you can rewrite sentences and edit; In the paper-based examination, you prepare a draft of the first answer and then write the final version. Thus, saving a lot of time, while computer-based testing prevents utilizing all the extra time that you can get for proofreading to just keep on editing. In addition, in a computer-based test, you have a countdown timer on your computer while in a paper-based trial, there will be a clock in the room and the supervisor will warn you of time.
·         In the Listening part of the test, in the paper-based test, audio is played on a speaker, where audio can be the issue of clarity. In a computer-based test, a pair of headphones is provided to each candidate who hears the audio through those headphones.
·         No matter the test is offline or online, you have to be present in the pre-allotted space for the exam. Paper-based exams are in a big placement setting involving 100+ students, while a computer-based version is held on a computer in a small space per candidate.
·         The Speaking Test is similar in both exams because it is taken personally by the examiner on that day or any other day.
·         The time that is allotted stays the same for both the tests. The format of tests also does not change; What is the form of giving a test? Reading and writing in a paper-based exam that takes place on a paper; in a computer-based test, you use a desktop computer to answer questions.
·         There is another benefit for computer-based testing, and that is - the result of a computer-based test comes within 13 days from the test, while paper-based testing results in 4-6 weeks.
·         So there were major differences between these paper-based tests and computer-based testing, but the difficulty is not based on these tests, but it's a preparation. Both of these tests are completely similar in time format and test format, so you need to be well prepared in both cases. Also, there are so many professional IELTS coaching centers who provide the Coaching of Both CD IELTS and Pen & Paper Based IELTS. They can guide you well that which test will be best for you according to your skills.

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