IELTS Listening Tips

Are you intending to take the IELTS exams? Do you wish to achieve a high band score in a short period of time? It is generally believed that it is impossible for a candidate to increase their score in such a short time. I think and believe that with enough dedication, practice, time management and professional guidance, getting a high score in listening is not as difficult as it seems. This is the reason why we are going to give you some score booster IELTS listening tips.
The comforting news is that there are some strategies, if employed smartly, it can not only help understand the expression of the speaker but can also answer the questions correctly. Here are some tips that will help you overcome errors commonly made in the IELTS listening section and will help you to make your way towards 8.0 Band.
Check for silly mistakes:
You are allotted 30 seconds after each section, to check and rectify your answers if necessary. It is important to check spelling, grammar, and word forms. Remember that only correct answers will get the points for you.
Transfer answers accurately:
At the end of the listening test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers on your answer sheet. And quite often students get confused and entangled in numbers! As you write your answers, check that they are being written in the right place. In other words, make sure the answer to question 7 goes into space number 7.
Learn how to use the preparation time to predict answers:
This tip is essentially useful for section-1, where answers are often based on common sense and thus are quite predictable, but it can also work for other parts. In some scenarios, you will be able to guess the exact answer, sometimes you will understand that you need to provide a number, an address, a name. I advise the students to write possible answers in the test booklet. This will give you more time to rectify your answers later on.

Improve your general listening skills:
The main point of the IELTS Listening section is to check your listening skills. Do not just use practice tests to improve your score: This is not enough! They will help you get acquainted with the test, but will not improve your listening ability that much. To listen to various listening exercises, listen to various other listening materials as well (radio reports, TV shows, documentary programs, etc.) and only after that IELTS auditory practice is more effective.

Train your concentration ability:
The lack of concentration among students is a common occurrence. At some point, they lose track of the recordings and move forward to think about something else, make sure you do not do that at all. Listen the recordings with full and undivided attention. If you fail to hear something that will surely be because of poor focus. While listening to the recordings jot down the keywords side by side to ensure that you don’t forget anything.

If you want to know more tips and tricks to score well in the listening test you can join a course at an IELTS coaching center to avail better guidance.

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